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the film


The Grey Matter of Children's Book Banning is being produced by Ithaca College Journalism Seniors Lucy Calderon and Desiree Holz, along with guidance from Ithaca College faculty member James Rada through the course Documentary Workshop.


The course description is as follows: Explores the fundamental visual techniques and concepts of multimedia journalism and how verbal and visual messages work together in news reporting. Students will learn how to research, shoot, write, edit and produce content for broadcast, web, and social media platforms. Examples are critiqued to lead students toward an ethical and analytical approach to issues of journalistic visual rhetoric.


The program is a short documentary about parents challenging a book "Making A Baby" by Rachel Greener at the Henrietta Public Library in Rochester, New York. 


We interviewed library staff and parents who were involved in the incident last year, along with experts on book banning and children's literature. 

The facts


The goal of this project is to highlight that the movement for book banning is happening everywhere, including in New York State. 

The mission


Resources on Book Banning in the United States

Henrietta Public Library Resources

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